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Agile Team Facilitation Training in Pune

Agile Team Facilitation Training in Pune

This is ONE day experiential program aimed at developing facilitation skills in scrum masters and agile leaders. Facilitating agile teams requires the subtle art of being there to empower conversations, collaborations, value creation and continuous learning, and at the same time, the art of “not” being there to empower self-management. If you are seeking to improve your facilitation skills, this program is right for you.


Key Learning Outcomes targeted

Agile Mindset - Agile values and principles
Facilitation Mindset - developing mindset of a facilitator
Facilitating Agile Teams in Collaborations, Conversations, Self-Management and Continuous Learning
Facilitating Agile meetings and events

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FAQ on Agile Team Facilitation Training in Pune

Why Agile Facilitation Training?

Most leaders run into situations where the team is either not taking ownership or people not quite participating in meetings. Leaders have to drive teams, delegate tasks and track their progress closely in order for the team to succeed. This can be very stressful and overwhelming for leaders. 

Facilitation brings a significant shift in the way we interact and lead teams. Learning to facilitate will help you as a leader to empower your teams towards taking ownership and actively participating and driving team success.

What are the benefits of this training?

This training is designed to give you an experience through certain games and activities. While the training facilitator will facilitate the  activities, your learning will be very personal to your experiences. There may be some knowledge content but the major part of this training will be reflecting and questioning, where you would be creating knowledge and understanding that is more relevant to you as a leader.

How is agile facilitation different from other facilitation?

Agile Facilitation is very specific to facilitating teams on agile value, principles and agile practices. As facilitator, you would help your teams collaborate effectively, become a high performing self-managed team with focus on continuous learning and creation of incremental value for customers.

Who should attend this training?

This training is designed for leaders, managers and scrum masters, who are keen to improve their facilitation skills.

Is this a certification program?

Participants will get a certificate of participation from LeanMantra.